Hair loss Problems and Their Natural Remedies

Temporary hair loss and hair thinning can occur due to any physical or mental stress. Hormonal changes in women during pregnancy also results in substantial hair loss.
An overdose of vitamin A or deficiency of proteins also contributes to visible hair loss, and it can be easily reversed when the causative factor(s) is controlled. Apart from these reasons, there are other factors such as dramatic weight loss, unbalanced diet, use of medicine, and chemicals or a surgery can cause hair loss.
Where a lot of people try to solve the problem by taking modern medicine, more people prefer a natural remedy for hair fall and alopecia.

Natural Hair Growth Products
Jojoba Oil: Extracted from the Jojoba plant, it has been used for hundreds of years to moisturize and enhance hair growth. It is hypoallergenic. Add a few drops into the conditioner you are using, and you’ll experience a visible change in about a time period of 2 weeks.Aloe Vera: It can be purchased in the form of a gel, or you can grow it in home gardens. It is applied directly to the scalp, and it helps in opening any blocked pores, hence allowing the hair follicles to grow.
Rosemary: It can be used to serve two purposes. Rosemary oil is used to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp. While Rosemary leaves when infused with water and applied to hair helps in slowing down the greying process of hair. It has been used as a natural hair growth product for centuries. It immensely helps in stimulating the blood circulation in the scalp. Mostly it is used with olive oil, and the massage of the scalp with it can have a great impact.
Lavender: It holds potent anti-bacterial agents which help in the healing process of the scalp, and it also has a soothing impact which refreshes the mind. A daily scalp massage with olive oil infused with lavender oil can help you a lot in dealing with the hair loss problem.
Natural Remedies For Hair Loss
It is normal to lose about 50 to 100 hair every day. But if you start to lose more hair, it is probably an indication that your hair demands a bit more attention than usual. Here are a few natural remedies for controlling hair loss:Coconut Milk: Apply coconut milk to your scalp, then cover your head with a towel and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Following that rinse your scalp with mildly warm water and use a natural shampoo that is without any chemicals. Coconut milk is rich in Vitamin E, fats and proteins. Together they help to strengthen, protect and reduce breakage of hair.
Neem (Indian Lilac): You will need about 20 leaves, put them in a bowl and start heating it. When the water reduces to half its quantity, allow it to cool and rinse your hair with the infusion. Wash your scalp and hair with this prepared infusion. Neem promotes a healthy scalp and hair growth. It also stimulates blood flow to the scalp thereby enhancing the hair growth process.
Egg white hair mask: Break open 2 eggs and separate the yolks from the egg whites, add about a teaspoon of olive oil and mix thoroughly until a uniform consistency is achieved. Apply the egg white to scalp and hair generously, cover the hair with a shower cap and wash your hair with water and shampoo after 20 minutes of application. An egg is a rich source of proteins and nutrients, and eggs are commonly used to promote hair growth.
Licorice Root: This herb has a wondrous impact in preventing further hair loss. Add a cup of milk with one tablespoon of ground licorice root, and a quarter teaspoon saffron. At night, you just have to apply the paste on all the bald areas/patches. Wash your head in the morning and make a habit of following this routine twice in a week.
Beet Root: The juice of beetroot has protein, carbohydrates, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins B and C. It can be really helpful in reducing the hair fall rate and it helps in growing new hair.

Home Remedies for Alopecia Hair Loss
A major condition of hair fall and hair loss is known as Alopecia. It is characterized by hair falling out in clumps resulting in smooth, bald patches. It usually occurs when the autoimmune system of the body starts attacking the hair follicles, resulting in bald spots.Mustard oil: Boil half cup of mustard oil and add 4 spoons of crushed henna leaves to it. Simmer the mixture and then allow it to cool down. Apply it to your scalp, particularly to the bald patches, and wash it off after 30 minutes.
Onion Juice: Sulfur is found in abundance in onions, and it is capable of stimulating the growth of new hair. Onion juice should be applied to the affected regions on the scalp for about 15 minutes and then rinsed off with warm water. It is highly recommended that hair is allowed to dry the following rinsing off instead of using a towel.
Apple Cider Vinegar: Apply generously to the scalp and rinse it off with warm water after an hour. Apple cider vinegar stimulates the growth of new hair and prevents hair loss.
Best Hair Oil for Hair Loss Treatment
The use of hair oil is not a new trend; it goes back to medieval times. Oiling hair not only contributes to preventing hair fall but it also allows healthy hair to retain their sheen and color for a long time.Chamomile and Lavender Oil: They have a relaxant effect on muscles and brain. Recommended to be used by individuals who have hair loss due to anxiety and depression.
Almond oil: It is rich in Vitamin D and E. Almond oil provides moisture and nourishes hair in the most natural way ever. It helps in preventing the hair from turning brittle, dry, and falling.
Castor oil: It possesses excellent hair growth properties, and it is effective against hair loss. It can be used in combination with coconut and olive oil.

Controlling Alopecia with Shampoos
It is important to take notice if your shampoo is aggravating alopecia by any means or not. If it is making it worse, then it is a smart idea to ditch the regular shampoo and look for a shampoo that is more natural and contains zero chemicals.Ultrax Labs Hair Surge: This product is rich in caffeine, and it helps in reducing hair loss and it also stimulates hair growth. It tends to block the effect of testosterone within the scalp skin.
Biotin Shampoo: It is rich in biotin which controls and prevents hair shedding. It contains a blend of 11 different herbs and botanicals which promote healthy scalp and hair growth.
Punch Skin Care – Organic Rapid Growth: It is rich in amino acids which allow the repairing of hair. Regular usage is likely to result in thicker hair with greater volume, shine, and texture.

Even though most of us start to care about our hair after experiencing hair fall or alopecia, we tend to forget that they do play a significant role in our appearance, and confidence – they also need proper attention.In order to ensure that you do not endure the trauma of hair loss, it is imperative to take good care of your hair. They require proper attention in terms of lifestyle and diet. Therefore, you need to treat them well so that they can appear well and stay healthy for a long time.
Hair loss Problems and Their Natural Remedies
Reviewed by Viral and Trending Stories
11월 26, 2017

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